Lesson POL-8
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Lesson goals
Give Feke feedback, begin preparing for your debate by selecting a motion as group, follow the checklist and start planning your SEAL-method.
Lesson activities
Feedback to Feke
Prepare using the checklist
Feedback to Feke
Please wait for Feke to share the Mentimeter-code to give and receive feedback.
Prepare using the checklist
Your goal is to participate in ~2 min live debate
Please follow these steps. Today, focus on:
To begin with, create groups of 2-4 students
Secondly, select a topic
Should we abolish animal testing for medical research?
Should we legalize marijuana?
Should We Abolish the Monarchy in Sweden?
Should the Number of Flights be Limited by a Quota?
Finally, you decide what your arguments will be!
Checkpoint: this is your exit ticket
Decice on on a topic, your SEAL-method and if you are part of the proposition or the opposition.
Prepare your debate
Exit ticket
No exit ticket