Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Learning goals
Test your vocabulary skills, continue watching The Bucket List and developing your speaking skills by discussing bucket list items
Lesson exercises
Vocabulary quiz
Watch The Bucket List
Speaking exercise
Vocabulary quiz
Time: ~10-15 minutes
Develop your vocabulary and writing skills
Take the quiz at
Once you are done, remain quietly in your desk
How to take the broad and the narrow quizzes
Choose either the broad (less challenging) or the narrow (more challenging) path
Go to and enter the code that Feke gives you
During the test you will be asked to complete two tasks: matching vocabulary with defintions and filling in the blanks by using the words in sentences.
Matching vocabulary with definitions
Draw lines between the vocabulary and the definitions. For example:
Dread ➜ A feeling of great fear and apprehension
Biro ➜ A kind of ballpoint pen
Fill in the blanks
Complete the sentences with the most appropriate vocabulary word from the list. For example:
Feeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in my new outfit, I decided to change into something more casual. (Obekväm)
Correct answer ➜ Feeling uncomfortable in my new outfit, I decided to change into something more casual.
It is very important that you write the entire sentence and that your spelling and grammar is correct.
You will not receive any points for misspelled or grammatically incorrect answers.
Watch The Bucket List
🕒~20 minutes
Develop your listening skills
Continue watching The Bucket List
The Bucket List is about two terminally ill men, played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, who decide to complete a list of things they want to do before they die. They go on an adventure together, forming a deep friendship and experiencing life to the fullest.
Once done, we will discuss what has happened this far and your reactions to the events and characters.
Speaking exercise
Choose the broad or the narrow path to discuss The Bucket List
Both include the same speaking exercise, but at different challenge levels
🕒~15 minutes discussion + ~5 minutes recording
👥Together with a classmate
📽 Record talking using Flip
Discuss with your classmate before recording your answers:
What has happened this far in the movie? Describing the main events and use sentences like "First, the characters..." or "Then, they..." or "After that, they..."
Why are the characters doing the things they are? Use sentences like "They are doing this because..." or "They want to..."
What would you put on your bucket list and why? Start by looking at the list of things Edward and Carter are doing and choose 2-3 of them. Use sentences like "I want to..." and "This is important to me because..."
Driving sports cars
Getting a tattoo
Go to a restaurant in France
Go on an African safari
See the pyramids in Egypt
Visit Taj mahal in India
What I am looking for and will give you feedback on
Content - how well you have understood:
The events in The Bucket List
Why the characters do the things they do (motivation)
Language - how well you:
Listen actively
Ask open-ended questions
Build on ideas
Summarising and transitioning
🕒~15 minutes discussion + ~5 minutes recording
👥Together with a classmate
📽 Record talking using Flip
Discuss with your classmate before recording your answers:
What has happened this far in the movie? What are the main events in the movie so far? What have we learned about their families and relationships?
What are the characters motivations for doing the things they do? How have your views of the characters changed? Consider their backgrounds, desires, and conflicts.
What would you put on your bucket list and why? Start by looking at the list of things Edward and Carter are doing and choose 2-3 of them that you WOULD like to do and WOULDN'T do:
Driving sports cars
Getting a tattoo
Go to a restaurant in France
Go on an African safari
See the pyramids in Egypt
Visit Taj mahal in India
Motivate your answers -- why are these things important (or unimportant) to you?
What I am looking for and will give you feedback on
Content - how well you have understood:
The events in The Bucket List
Why the characters do the things they do (motivation)
Language - how well you:
Listen actively
Ask open-ended questions
Build on ideas
Summarising and transitioning
Exit ticket
... (recorded on Flip)
Less Challenging Version
### More Challenging Version