Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Learning goals
Test your vocabulary skills, read Inventing Elliot as well as developing your writing skills by discussing Inventing Elliot in writing
Lesson exercises
Vocabulary exercise
Read Inventing Elliot
Written discussion
Vocabulary exercise
Time: ~10-15 minutes
Develop your vocabulary and reading comprehension
Connect the vocabulary with the definitions and Swedish translations
For example:
In spit (Trots) ➜ Despite or even though ➜ E
Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. For example:
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with you but respect your opinion. (Agree)
Correct answer ➜ I disagree with you but respect your opinion.
Answer key
Matching vocabulary with definitions and Swedish translations
In spite (Trots) ➜ Despite or even though ➜ (E)
Unconscious (Medvetslös) ➜ Not aware of or unable react normally ➜ (G)
Advantage (Fördel) ➜ A beneficial condition or circumstance ➜ (L)
Merciless (Skoningslös) ➜ Showing no mercy ➜ (S)
Vicious (Ondskefull) ➜ Very cruel or violent ➜ (A)
Impatient (Otålig) ➜ Not able to wait calmly ➜(W)
Meaningless (Meningslös) ➜ Having no meaning or importance ➜ (B)
Reluctance (Motvillighet) ➜ Unwilling to do something ➜ (P)
Make amends (Gottgöra) ➜ Make up for a mistake ➜ (T)
Interpret (Tolka) ➜ To explain the meaning of something ➜ (I)
Receive (Ta emot) ➜ To be given something ➜ (F)
Ungrateful (Otacksam) ➜ Not showing appreciation ➜ (Q)
Unpredictable (Oförutsägbar) ➜ Not able to be predicted ➜ (H)
Monitoring (Övervakning) ➜ Watching or keeping track of something ➜ (X)
Disgust (Avsky) ➜ A feeling of revulsion or disapproval ➜ (C)
Encountering (Möta) ➜ Meeting someone or something ➜ (J)
Mocking (Håna) ➜ Making fun of someone in a cruel or way ➜ (V)
Inappropriate (Olämpligt) ➜ Not fitting in a particular situation ➜ (N)
Indifferent (Likgiltig) ➜ Not showing any interest or concern ➜ (U)
Untouchable (Oberörbar) ➜ Too powerful or important to be attacked ➜ (D)
Churned (Röra runt) ➜ Stirred or agitated violently ➜ (M)
Unfair (Orättvis) ➜ Not just or reasonable ➜ (K)
Seldom (Sällan) ➜ Not often or happening only rarely ➜ (R)
Disobey (Inte lyda)➜ To refuse to obey a rule or command ➜ (O)
Fill in the blanks
She fainted and fell unconscious.
The impatient child kept asking when they would arrive at the park.
It was ungrateful of him not to thank his parents for the gift.
The bullies were pretty much untouchable by the other students.
The fortune teller's vague predictions were meaningless.
The disobedient child wouldn't go to bed when told.
The police were monitoring the suspect's house.
She watched as he was receiving a warm welcome from his friends.
Read Inventing Elliot
Time: ~20-30 minutes
Develop your reading comprehension
We take turns reading Inventing Elliot, pages 125-150
Word list
Gobbling Eating quickly and messily Vräka i sig
Inadequate Not good enough Otillräcklig
Inappropriately In a way that is not suitable or right for a particular situation Olämpligt
Monitoring Keeping watch over something Övervaka
Annihilated (used previously) Destroyed completely Förinta
Innate Existing naturally in someone or something; inherent Medfödd
Unpolished Not refined or perfected Opolerad
Flaundered To move in a clumsy or showy way Stolpa omkring
Disgust A strong feeling of dislike or revulsion Avsky
Alien Strange or unfamiliar Främmande
Repugnant Disgusting or offensive Motbjudande
Initiation rite A ceremony marking someone's entrance into a particular group or activity Invigningsritual
Indifferent Not showing any interest or enthusiasm Likgiltig
Untouchable Too powerful or important to be attacked or criticized Oangriplig
Unexpectedly (used previously) In a way that is not anticipated Oväntat
Encountering Meeting someone or something Möta
Leaden Heavy and slow-moving Blytung
Embankment A wall of earth or stone built to hold back water or support a road Vall
Churned Stirred or whipped up violently K churned up = Vispades upp
Jeering Shouting insults or mockery at someone Hånflina
Unclenching Relaxing one's grip Slappna av greppet
Congealed Thickened or solidified Stelnat
Inhibition A feeling that prevents you from doing something Hämning
Unfair Not just or reasonable Orättvis
Flinched To move suddenly away from something because of fear or pain Rycka till
Mocking Making fun of someone in a cruel or contemptuous way Hånfull
Misery Great suffering or unhappiness Elände
Foulness A very unpleasant smell Stank
Preoccupation The state of being deeply absorbed in something Sysselsättning
Seldom Not often Sällan
Disobey To refuse to do what someone has told you to do Lyda inte
Multiplex A large cinema with several screens showing different films at the same time Multiplexbiograf
Spoiling Ruining something Förstöra
Mortified Feeling ashamed or humiliated Förödmjukad
Invariably Always Oföränderligt
In spite Despite Trots
Fretful Anxious or worried Orolig
Inferno A very hot fire or place Helvete
Obnoxious Very unpleasant or annoying Otrevlig
Ungrateful Not showing thankfulness Otacksam
Pulverised Reduced to powder Pulveriserad
Nothingness The state of not existing Tomhet
Group discussion
Time: ~20-30 minutes
Develop your reading comprehension, Improves reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
In a group together with your classmates, you will discuss our reading in four steps:
Summarise: What happened in the story? Focus on the main characters, ideas and events.
Question: Why did Elliot push Ben away? Any why did his mom get furious with him?
Associate: What did it make you think of? Use your own experiences or observations.
Predict: Based on what we've read so far, what do you think will happen next?