Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Learning goals
Learn about how we will read and discuss the novel Inventing Elliot, the essay you will be writing, and begin reading the book
Lesson exercises
Warm-up exercise
Introduction lecture
Read Inventing Elliot
Warm-up exercise
Time: ~20-30 minutes
Develop your discussion skills
Introduction lecture
Reading Inventing Elliot
Time: ~20-30 minutes
Develop your reading comprehension
We take turns reading Inventing Elliot, pages 1-26
Word list
Dread A feeling of great fear and apprehension Fruktan
Surge A sudden, powerful increase or movement Ökning, våg
Conscious Aware of and responding to one's surroundings Medveten
Ancient Very old Gammal
Persuade To convince someone to do something Övertala
Shorthand A system of writing that uses abbreviations and symbols Stenografi
Fortune A large amount of money or good luck Lycka, förmögenhet
Delve To explore something deeply Djupdyka
Scent A pleasant or unpleasant smell Doft
Germinating Beginning to grow or develop Groende
Fragile Easily broken or damaged Skör
Anticipation The feeling of excitement or worry about something that is going to happen Förväntan
Anxious Worried or nervous Orolig
Crease A fold or wrinkle in something Veck
Engrossed Completely absorbed or occupied Fängslad
Arcade A covered passageway with shops on either side Spelhall
Bulge A swelling or outward curve Putning
Blazer A tailored jacket Kavaj
Emerging Coming into view from something hidden Framväxande
Row A line of people or things Rad
Contain To hold something inside Innehålla
Dullness A lack of interest or excitement Tråkighet
Critical Very important or serious Avgörande, kritisk
Slight A small difference or amount Liten skillnad, förolämpning
Unfamiliar Not known or experienced before Okänd
Assault A violent attack Attack
Strained Stretched too tightly Spänd
Unable Not having the ability to do something Oförmögen
Guilty Having done something wrong Skuldbelagd
Imploding To collapse inwards Implodera
Impostor A person who pretends to be someone else Bedragare
Foreboding A feeling that something bad is going to happen Ominös
Sash A long piece of ribbon worn diagonally across the chest Scharpe
Bundle A group of things tied together Knippe
Detracted Made something less attractive or interesting Förminskade
Sepia A brown color Sepia
Disgrace A cause of shame or humiliation Skam
Prospector Someone who searches for minerals or precious metals Prospektör
Heritage The traditions, customs, and achievements of a particular group or place Kulturarv
Footy Informal British English for football Fotboll
Despite In spite of Trots
Mortgage A loan secured by property Inteckning
Initially At first Inledningsvis
Moan A low, mournful sound expressing pain or unhappiness Stånka
Undisputed Not questioned or challenged Odisputabel
Dribbled Made a small amount of liquid flow in drops Dribbade
Cautioned Warned someone to be careful Varnade
Elaborated Explained something in more detail Utvecklade
Spitefully In a way that is intended to annoy or hurt someone Ondsint
Invisible / Unobnoticeable Not able to be seen Osynlig
Subjected Forced to experience something unpleasant Utsatt
Poring over Studying something carefully Fördjupa sig i
Recounting Telling a story about something that happened in the past Återberättande
Delay To make something happen later than planned Fördröjning
Jolt A sudden, sharp shock Ryck