Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Learning goals
Test your vocabulary skills, read Inventing Elliot as well as developing your writing skills by discussing Inventing Elliot in writing
Lesson exercises
Vocabulary quiz
Read Inventing Elliot
Writing exercise
Vocabulary quiz
Time: ~10-15 minutes
Develop your vocabulary and writing skills
Take the quiz at
Once you are done, remain quietly in your desk
How to take the quiz
Go to and enter the code.
During the test you will be asked to complete two tasks: matching vocabulary with defintions and filling in the blanks by using the words in sentences.
Matching vocabulary with definitions
Draw lines between the vocabulary and the definitions. For example:
Dread ➜ A feeling of great fear and apprehension
Biro ➜ A kind of ballpoint pen
Fill in the blanks
Complete the sentences with the most appropriate vocabulary word from the list. For example:
Feeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in my new outfit, I decided to change into something more casual. (Obekväm)
Correct answer ➜ Feeling uncomfortable in my new outfit, I decided to change into something more casual.
It is very important that you write the entire sentence and that your spelling and grammar is correct.
You will not receive any points for misspelled or grammatically incorrect answers.
Read Inventing Elliot
Time: ~20-30 minutes
Develop your reading comprehension
We take turns reading Inventing Elliot, pages 72-98
Word list
Row A fight Bråk
Accusing Suggesting that someone is guilty of something Anklagande
Rottenness The state of being decayed or decomposed Ruttnelse
Co-originated Originated together with someone else Samuppkom
Ugliness The quality of being unpleasant to look at Fulhet
Unmistakable Easy to recognize or understand Otvetydig
Conclusive Providing a definitive answer or result Avgörande
Corresponding Matching or similar Motsvarande
Lather A mass of soapy bubbles Lödder
Revulsion A strong feeling of disgust or horror Avsky
Continuity The state of continuing uninterrupted Kontinuitet
Unexpectedly In a way that is not anticipated Oväntat
Comprehensive Including everything necessary Heltäckande
Prefect A student with a position of responsibility in a school Prefect
Pecking order A social hierarchy, especially among birds Hackordning
Hierarchy A system of ranks or classes in which some people have more power than others Hierarki
Re-surfaced Appeared again after a period of absence Dök upp igen
Vacate To leave a place empty Utrymma
Successors The people who take over from someone in a job or position Efterträdare
Annihilate To destroy completely Förinta
Privilege A special right or advantage Privilegium
Tremor A shaking movement Skälvning
Unhappiness The state of being sad or unhappy Olycka
Deserted Abandoned Övergiven
Conviction A strong belief that something is true Övertygelse
Exiled Forced to leave one's country as a punishment Förvisad
Hunched Bent over with the back rounded Hukande
Gratitude The feeling of thankfulness Tacksamhet
Diarrhoea A condition causing frequent loose bowel movements Diarré
Sprawling (used previously) Lying stretched out in an awkward or untidy way Utslängd
Restrain To prevent someone or something from doing something Begränsa
Reassure To give someone confidence or hope Lugna
Justling Bumping or pushing against someone in a crowd Knuffande
Monochrome Having only one color Enfärgad
Unfamiliar (used previously) Not known or experienced before Okänd
Authoritative Commanding respect or attention Auktoritär
Calculated Planned carefully Uträknad
Cissy / Wimp (informal) A weak or cowardly person Fegis
Trite Overused and boring Banal
Mooring A place where a boat is secured Förtöjning
Writing exercise
Time: ~30 minutes
During this exercise, you will develop your, listening, writing and discussion skills
By yourself, write a short text (~100-200 words) about what has happened in Inventing Elliot:
Why did Elliot want to avoid Ben at school?
And why did Ben answer "I wouldn’t expect anyone to risk being seen with me"?
Remember to structure your text into an introduction, body, and conslusion
Use the vocabulary homework in your answer
OPTIONAL: If you want feedback, upload your text to Unikum @IE-2 writing practice
If you want a challenge:
Include all four steps from the discussion: summarise what has happened, answer the questions above, associate what did they make you think of and what do you predict will think will happen next?
Study the vocabulary
Exit ticket
Present your group's discussion