Lesson CAA-2
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Lesson goals
Improve your vocabulary, understand postcolonialism by reading the short story Things around your neck and develop your discussing skills by discussing the text and cultural appropriation
Lesson activities
Vocabulary exercise
Reading comprehension
Group discussion
Time: ~10-15 minutes
Develop your vocabulary and reading comprehension
Connect the vocabulary with the definitions and Swedish translations
For example:
Nauseate (Illamående) ➜ A feeling of sickness➜ A
Use the word in bold (and 2-4 additional words) to change the sentences so that the meaning in the new sentence becomes as close as possible to the original one. For example:
Perhaps we took the wrong way.
We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the wrong way.
Correct answer: We might have taken the wrong way.
Answer key
To gawp (Oartigt stirra) ➜ H. Stare openly and in a rude manner
Syllabus (Kursplan) ➜ F. Subjects in a course or teaching
Nauseate (Illamående) ➜ A. A feeling of sickness
To hawk (Saluföra) ➜ Q. To offer (something) for sale
Anthropology (Antropologi) ➜ I. Study of human societies and culture
Cajole (Övertala) ➜ M. Persuade (someone) to do something
Parastatal (Politisk auktoritet) ➜ D. Having political authority
Preemie (För tidigt född) ➜ O. Prematurely born baby
Expiation (Försoning) ➜ N. Making amends or reparation for guilt
Dimness (Skymning) ➜ T. Being poorly illuminated
Mystify (Förbrylla) ➜ G. Utterly bewilder someone
Chant (Mässa) ➜ C. Repeated rhythmic phrase
Disdain (Förakt) ➜ E. Unworthy of respect
Condescending (Nedlåtande) ➜ L. An attitude of patronising superiority
Maudlin (Sentimental) ➜ W. Self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental
Self-righteous (Självrättfärdig) ➜ U. Being correct or morally superior attitude
Sprawl (Breda ut sig) ➜ B. Arms and legs spread out
Wallow (Vältra sig) ➜ K. Indulge in an unrestrained way
Gaze (Blicka) ➜ J. Look steadily and intently
Bemoan (Beklaga) ➜ R. Express discontent or sorrow
Hypocrisy (Hyckleri) ➜ S. Behavior that contradicts
Plight (Svår situation) ➜ P. Dangerous or unfortunate situation
Abnormal (Onormal) ➜ V. Deviating from what is usual
Word transformation
There IS AN ABNORMAL GROWTH on your pet toad’s head, Mr. Manron.
It is incredibly RUDE TO GAWP AT people.
Lost in thought, HE GAZED AT the stars in wonder.
Unable to move on from the breakup, she continued TO WALLOW IN her sadness.
Reading comprehension
Time for the activity: ~20-30 minutes
During this exercise, you will develop your reading and discussion skills
Take turns reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Thing Around Your Neck
Group discussion
Time for the activity: ~20-30 minutes
During this activity, you will develop strategies to overview and structure what you have read
In a group of 3-5 students, answer the questions and take notes on your whiteboard or computer.
What happened? What - and who - were the most important events and characters?
Question: In the story, where is the line drawn between cultural appropriation and appreciation? Consider for:
The main character
The boyfriend
Secondary characters (classmates, co-workers, boyfriend's family)
What did this story make you think of?
What do you think will happen after the story ended? Why?
Exit ticket
Present one of the questions that your group discussed