Learning goals

During The Power of Language, you will:

Successful students will be able to:

Purpose, contents and assessment for learning

Language is a powerful thing. When speaking with others, we can either influence or be influenced. The study of language, persuasion and effective speaking is known as rhetorics. Rhetorics can be used to motivate others, as seen during level 1, or as a means to discuss, debate or negotiate with others. Purpose of Level 4: rhetorics and conversational grammar make debates and negotiations more successful and fluent.

A. Debates and negotiations require two speaking parties that present arguments, ideas or thoughts with the intent to persuade the other party into either seeing their point, reaching an angreement or a new situation in order to achieve some kind of change.

B. Modes of persuasion helps us understand how to appeal to our audience when debating or negotiating. Rhetorical devices empowers our language by making it more idiomatic which increases fluency.

C. Conversational grammar such as discourse markers and question tags, our attitude and style improves the converational fluency of an interaction by inviting the other party to respond and easen the conversational flow. 

D. Structuring, processing and using technology allows us to pratice for real-life debates and negotiations in social and working life situations. Knowing the rhetorical appeal, style, attitude and grammar makes us more successful and fluent.

Core contents:

Knowledge requirements