Lesson MMS-4

Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson. 

Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience. 

Lesson goals

Learn about inversions, how to use them to improve formality and practice identifying as well as using inversions in sentences.

Lesson activities

Grammar repetition

Grammar lecture: inversions

Inversions practice

Grammar repetition

Basic grammar overview

Basic grammar overview

A subject  is what a sentence is about. 

Examples of subjects:

A verb shows action and auxiliary (helping) verbs expresses time, emphasis, and more.

Examples of verbs and auxiliary verbs are:

Other helping verbs are: Be (am, are, is, was, were), can, could, do (did, does), have (had, has), may, might, shall, should, will would

Use adverbs to add details to a verb and explain when, where or how the action occurs.

Many adverbs are made by adding -ly to an adjective. 

Spelling rules when an adjective ends in:

Adverbs are categorised into how they describe the verb:

Time: ~20 minutes

This exercise helps you repeat subject verb-agreement and how to create adverbs

You will be given a worksheet:

Once everyone is done, we share our answers

Grammar lecture

MMS-4 Inversions

Inversions exercises

Select between the two paths to improve your vocabulary, grammar and comprehension

The broader, less challenging, path - for students who want to grow using basic exercises. 

The narrow, more challenging, path - for those who want to grow using advanced exercises. 


Study the grammar Quizlet.

Exit ticket

Summarise the lesson and read your inversion sentences.