Lesson POL-2

Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson. 

Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience. 

Lesson goals

Watch an episode of The Great Debate and understand the vocabulary, argument and rhetorical techniques used, and discuss the topic Should we abolish animal testing in medical research?

Lesson activities

Vocabulary exercise

The Greate Debate, episode 1

Group discussion


Time: ~15-30 minutes

These exericses will improve your vocabulary and receptive skills

The Great Debate - Rhetoric 101

Together with a classmate, discuss: what arguments you think will be used during this episode? 

The episode's topic is Should we abolish animal testing in medical research? 

Group discussion

Discuss with your classmate(s):

Create your own answer to should we abolish animal testing for medical research? This is your group's exit ticket.

Use the vocabulary from today's lesson. Aim for one sentence per step of the SEAL-method:

Source: UR, retrieved 2021


Read about debates and study the vocabulary

Exit ticket

Share your answer to the topic: should we abolish animal testing for medical research?