Lesson CAA-9

Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson. 

Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience. 

Lesson goals

Learn how other students completed the assignment (the essay), discuss these, and follow the checklist.

Lesson activities

Student examples

Essay preparation

Experience chat

Student examples

Time:  ~20 minutes

You are going to read two student examples to help you understand what the essay can look like and the expected levels

Essay checklist

You are writing an article for The Daily Globe, which hosts an annual essay writing contest and this year’s topic is cultural appropriation

The aim is to discuss the complex issues concerning the adaption to or mimicry of customs or practices from various cultures. The Daily Globe has distributed a background material - short stories written by the best-selling author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and a selection of articles from international magazines - to be read by contestants before submitting their work.

Experience chat


No homework

Exit ticket

What progress did you make today?