Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Learning goals
Learn new words that are used in The Bucket List and discuss using those words
Lesson exercises
Vocabulary exercise
Watch The Bucket List
Group discussion
Vocabulary exercise
Time: ~10-15 minutes
Develop your vocabulary and reading comprehension
Connect the vocabulary with the definitions and Swedish translations
For example:
Anxious (Orolig) ➜ Made to feel nervous or worried ➜ A
Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. For example:
Feeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in my new outfit, I decided to change into something more casual. (Obekväm)
Correct answer ➜ Feeling uncomfortable in my new outfit, I decided to change into something more casual.
Answer key
Matching vocabulary with definitions and Swedish translations
Opposite ➜ Totally different from something else. (I)
Fundamentals ➜ The basic and most important parts of something. (D)
Beverage ➜ A drink, like water, tea, or juice. (A)
Sequel ➜ Follow-up to a story. (M)
Denial ➜ Refusal to accept something as true. (Q)
Incident ➜ An event, especially something unusual or bad. (K)
Liberating ➜ Making you feel free and happy. (F)
Survey ➜ A set of questions to find out what people think or do. (S)
Faith ➜ Strong belief or trust in someone or something. (C)
Decent ➜ Good enough. (T)
Majestic ➜ Very beautiful and impressive. (G)
Get familiar ➜ To learn about something and understand it. (B)
Kick the bucket ➜ A funny way to say "die." (U)
Decline ➜ To go down or to say no politely. (O)
Prognosis ➜ A prediction about what will happen with an illness or situation. (H)
Grief ➜ Deep sorrow, usually after someone dies. (E)
Comfort ➜ A feeling of being safe and relaxed. (V)
Disease ➜ A sickness that affects a body or mind. (J)
Barter ➜ To trade goods without using money. (N)
Outstanding ➜ Very good. (L)
Metaphorical ➜ Not literal or used as a symbol. (P)
No offence ➜ A phrase to show you don’t mean to upset someone. (R)
Fill in the blanks
What do you think of the band’s live performance? So and so, it was a decent concert. (Hyfsat)
Excuse me, miss. Would you mind answering our survey? (Undersökning)
Have you seen the sequel? (Uppföljare) It’s much better than the first!
Have you ever been to London before? No, I haven’t. Let’s take a walk to get familiar with our area. (Bli bekant)
I am never going to make it! It is too hard! Come on! Have some faith (Tro) in yourself.
She’s the best. There is no competition! I know! She has been outstanding (Enastående) so far this season.
Introduction lecture
🕒~20 minutes
Develop your listening skills
We will continue watching The Bucket List
The Bucket List is about two terminally ill men, played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, who decide to complete a list of things they want to do before they die. They go on an adventure together, forming a deep friendship and experiencing life to the fullest.
Once done, we will discuss what has happened this far and your reactions to the events and characters.
Group discussion
Choose the broad or the narrow path to discuss The Bucket List
🕒~20 minutes
Both will lead to the same exit ticket: [Classmate's name] first item on their bucket list would be ...
Part 1: Discuss the questions together with your classmate(s):
What has happened this far?
How are the characters different from each other?
What did they add to their bucket list and what does it say about their personalities?
Why is Virginia (Carter’s wife) angry with Carter and Edward?
Part 2: Ask each other questions about The Bucket List
Edward and Carter went skydiving, getting a tattoo and driving sports cars. Which of those three would you choose to do? Why?
If you had a bucket list, what would be the first thing that you put on it?
Ask your classmate: If you had a bucket list, what would you put on it? Their answer is your exit ticket.
Remember to:
Listen actively
Ask open-ended questions (why do you think that ...?)
Build on ideas (That made me think of ...)
Summarising and transitioning (So what you are saying is... and now, let's talk about...)
Part 1: Discuss the questions together with your classmate(s):
What has happened this far?
How are the characters different from each other?
What did they add to their bucket list and what does it say about their personalities?
Why is Virginia (Carter’s wife) angry with Carter and Edward?
Part 2: Ask each other questions
Speak with each other about Edward and Carter's list.
Use vocabulary that we studied, such as opposite, majestic, faith or outstanding.
Edward and Carter went skydiving, getting a tattoo and driving sports cars. Which of those three would you choose to do? Why?
If you had a bucket list, what would be the first thing that you put on it?
Ask your classmate: If you had a bucket list, what would you put on it? Their answer is your exit ticket.
Remember to:
Listen actively
Ask open-ended questions (why do you think that ...?)
Build on ideas (That made me think of ...)
Summarising and transitioning (So what you are saying is...)