POL-2 Broad path
Answer key
Conviction ➜ A firmly held belief or opinion ➜ (G)
Poise ➜ Graceful and elegant bearing in a person ➜ (I)
Abolish ➜ Formally put an end to ➜ (A)
Validate ➜ Demonstrate or support the truth or value of ➜ (R)
Invasive ➜ Spread quickly and undesirably or harmfully ➜ (M)
Ludicrous ➜ Foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing ➜ (E)
Disregard ➜ Pay no attention to or ignore ➜ (P)
Species ➜ A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals ➜ (L)
Bolster ➜ Support or strengthen ➜ (O)
Bereaved ➜ Deprived of a close relation ➜ (T)
Provide ➜ Make available for use or supply ➜ (D)
Significantly ➜ Noteworthy, having a particular meaning ➜ (J)
Despite ➜ Without being affected by ➜ (F)
Exclude ➜ Deny (someone) access to a place, group, or privilege ➜ (S)
Courteous ➜ Polite, respectful, or considerate in manner ➜ (B)
Posture ➜ The position in which someone holds their body ➜ (H)
Revenue ➜ Income of a substantial nature ➜ (C)
Toxicity ➜ The quality of being toxic or poisonous ➜ (Q)
Trustworthy ➜ Able to be relied on as honest or truthful ➜ (K)
Moderation ➜ The avoidance of excess or extremes ➜ (N)
Original: We couldn’t drive because the roads were icy.
Word: TOO
Answer: The roads were too icy for us to drive.
Original: She hasn’t spoken to me since last month.
Word: LAST
Answer: The last time she spoke to me was last month.
Original: It’s possible that John forgot about the meeting.
Word: MAY
Answer: John may have forgotten about the meeting.
Original: They are building a new shopping mall in the city center.
Answer: A new shopping mall is being built in the city center.