Lesson MMS-2
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Lesson goals
Listen to the motivational speech 'Love letters to strangers', identify its contents, structure as well as vocabulary, and, how to use the five steps from Monoroe's motivated sequence
Lesson activities
Homework and vocabulary
Motivational speech example
Group discussion
Homework and vocabulary
Time for the activity: ~15-20 minutes
These exericses will improve your speaking, vocabulary and grammar skills
In groups, tell each other about your homework: What did you do and how was it?
Connect the vocabulary with the definitions
Rephrase the sentences using the words in bold
Answer key
Mainly (Huvudsakligen) ➜ more than anything else. = A
Clutch (Gripa) ➜ grasp (something) tightly. = I
Unkempt (Misskött) ➜ aving an untidy or dishevelled appearance. = O
Sucker punched (Oväntat slag) ➜ hit with an unexpected punch or blow. = F
Tucked (away) (Stoppa; undanstoppat) ➜ hidden or difficult to find. = Q
Goliath (Jätte) ➜ a very large and powerful person or organisation. = B
Harbor (Hamn, husera) ➜ keep a negtive thought or feeling in one's mind. = L
To pose (Ställa eller lägga fram) ➜present or constitute (a problem or danger). = P
Morph (Förvandla) ➜ change smoothly from one thing to another. = H
Barely (Nätt och jämt) ➜ only just; almost not. = T
Rural (Lantlig, rustik) ➜ in or relating to the countryside rather than the town. = E
To harness (Utnyttja) ➜ control and make use of natural resources. = M
Scriptings (Skrivelser) ➜ Something written, a text. = J
Convince (Övertyga) ➜ completely certain about something. = C
Efficiency (Effektivitet) ➜ the state or quality of being efficient. = S
Merely (Endast) ➜ just; only. = G
Unearth (Avslöja, eller, gräva upp) ➜ find (something) in the ground by digging. = D
Ripple effect (Ringar-på-vattnet-effekt) ➜ the spreading results of an event or action. = K
Quad(rangle) (Fyrkantig innergård) ➜ a square or rectangular space or courtyard. = R
Doodle (Krumelur) ➜ scribble absent-mindedly. = N
A new archaeological site WAS UNEARTHED by archaeologists
In an effort TO HARNESS THE SUN'S / SOLAR energy, scientists are working diligently.
BARELY HAD SHE / SHE BARELY made it home when she realized she had lost her phone.
The model STRUCK A POSE when asked by the photographer.
Listening exercise
Time for the activity: ~10 min
This exercise develops your listening comprehension
While listening, take notes on:
What attention-grabber did the speaker use?
What is the need (problem) that was addressed?
How was the need satisfied?
How was this visualised?
What was the recommended action?
Group discussion
Time for the activity: ~20-30 minutes
This exercise develops your speaking and discussion skills
Discuss with your classmates:
When was the last time you wrote a letter by hand?
What benefits do you think could come from handing out random "love letters"?
How would you feel if you received a "love letter" from a stranger?
Create a short love letter as a group
Decide on your own version of 'Love letters to strangers' - what should we reach out to people about? Hope? Friendship? Loneliness? Being accepted? Inclusion?
Write the letter according to Monroe's motivated squence's five steps: attention, need, satisfaction, visualisation and action
Give your love group's love letter to someone that you think deserves it (for example, a friend, family member or teacher)
List of topics
Hope and optimism for the future.
Encourage the recipient to embrace their unique qualities and value themselves
You mean a lot to someone
Write letters of empathy and understanding for those facing mental health struggles
Write about the beauty of diversity and inclusion, appreciating the richness that different perspectives bring to the world.
Encourage and support students, whether they are facing academic challenges or navigating the complexities of growing up.
No one should be abused
Love yourself despite addiction
Your body is beautiful
Depression does not define you
You are doing great - encourage others and encourage yourself
It is ok to feel envious, afraid, anger, jealous , stressed or anxious
Forgive yourself and others
Don't listen to gossip
Be grateful, honest, kind in relationships
If you want a challenge, use AI and build upon its ideas by using this prompt:
Create a script for a motivational speech. The speech topic is 'Writing love letters to strangers about [here, you enter your specific topic!]'. Structure the speech according to the five steps from Monroe's motivational sequence: attention, need, satisfaction, visualisation and action. Limit the script to one sentence per step.
Exit ticket
Present your group's love-letter speech to your classmates