Lesson ECP-9
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Lesson goals
Improve your writing skills by creating a draft and deciding what kind of article you want to write
Lesson activities
Basic: draft explanation
Intermediate-advanced: article draft
Article draft example
Time for the activity: ~5-10 minutes
This exercise develops your writing skills by improving upon your writing exercises and the feedback that you have received
You are allowed to bring a draft (max 200 words) to the test lesson where you write your article. During the test, you can either use this draft as a pre-written part of your article, or as a collection of thoughts, quotes or phrases. You may use this as you please.
This draft should, however, be based upon one of your two previous writing exercises (retell or compare). The purpose is for you and me to see that you have grown from the feedback that you received.
Article draft
Time for the activity: ~60 minutes
This exercise develops your writing skills by improving upon your writing exercises and the feedback that you have received
Decide to either retell and expand or compare and discuss
Fill the apropriate boxes depending on the type of article that you want to write
Note your positice and constructive feedback that you received from the exercises.
Write a draft that improves upon your exercises as well as includes your ideas from step 2.
Attention! The draft will be submitted to Unikum the day before the test day at latest.
⚠️This lesson's checkpoint: to have completed step 1 and step 2. ⚠️
No homework.
Exit ticket
I have chosen to write an article about ...