Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Learning goals
Test your vocabulary skills, read Inventing Elliot as well as developing your writing skills by discussing Inventing Elliot in writing
Lesson exercises
Vocabulary quiz
Read Inventing Elliot
Writing exercise
Vocabulary quiz
Time: ~15-20 minutes
Develop your vocabulary and writing skills
First, pratice by competing using Quizlet!
Then, take the quiz at
Once you are done, remain quietly in your desk
How to take the quiz
Matching vocabulary with definitions and Swedish translations
Dread ➜ A feeling of great fear and apprehension. ➜ Fruktan
Persuade ➜ To convince someone to do something. ➜ Övertala
Anxious ➜ Worried or nervous about something that might happen. ➜ Orolig
Row ➜ A heated argument. ➜ Bråk
Unfamiliar ➜ Not known or experienced before. ➜ Okänd
Unable ➜ Not able to do something. ➜ Oförmögen
Foreboding ➜ A feeling of something bad about to happen. ➜ Föraning
Despite ➜ Without being affected by➜ Trots
Initially ➜ At first. ➜ Inledningsvis
Accusing ➜ Saying that someone has done something wrong. ➜ Anklaga
Keen ➜ Very interested or enthusiastic.➜ Angelägen
Unconcerned ➜ Not interested or not worried.➜ Oberörd
Uncomfortable ➜ Feeling awkward or embarrassed.➜ Obekväm
Disadvantage ➜ Situation with reduced chance of success.➜ Nackdel
Unfriendly ➜ Not friendly.➜ Ovänlig
Leisure ➜ Time for relaxation or hobbies.➜ Fritid
Disguise ➜ To hide or change your appearance.➜ Förkläda
Acknowledge ➜ To admit that something is true or exists.➜ Erkänna
Unbelievable ➜ Too amazing or strange to be believed.➜ Otroligt
Unsettled ➜ Made to feel nervous or worried.➜ Otrygg
Unlucky ➜ Having bad luck.➜ Otur
Elaborate ➜ With a lot of detail.➜ Utförlig
Intimidation ➜ The act of making someone feel afraid or threatened.➜ Hot
Subtle ➜ Difficult to notice or detect. ➜ Subtil
Fill in the blanks
My new clothes felt weird uncomfortable, so I changed them.
Reading is a great way to relax during your leisure time.
The bad guy in the movie had an unfriendly smile.
He accused the other person of taking the money.
There were some new words that were unfamiliar to me.
My broken leg put me at a disadvantage in the race.
I was not feeling too keen about trying to eat snails.
My grandmother smiled and gave me a subtle wink.
Read Inventing Elliot
Time: ~20-30 minutes
Develop your reading comprehension
We take turns reading Inventing Elliot, pages 149-168
Word list
Terse Short and unfriendly in the way you speak Kortfattad och ovänlig
Perpetually Always happening or continuing Ständigt
Incriminating Providing evidence that someone is guilty of a crime Belastande
Pointless Having no purpose or meaning Meningslös
Unpleasant Not nice or enjoyable Obehaglig
Despoiled Destroyed or damaged Plundrad
Dismayed Shocked and disappointed Förfärad
Uncomfortable (used previously) Feeling awkward or embarrassed Obekväm
Dissolved Disappeared into a liquid Upplöst
Insubstantial Not important or significant Oviktig
Unfamiliar (used previously) Not known or experienced before Okänd
Entail Involve or necessitate Innebära
Graphic Vivid and detailed, often in a way that is shocking or disturbing Grafiskt
Naïvety Lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement Naivitet
Uncertainty Doubt or lack of certainty Osäkerhet
Bloke (informal British English) Man Kille
Complimentary Expressing praise or admiration Komplimenterande
Contemptous Showing scorn or disrespect Föraktfull
Jolt (used previously) A sudden, sharp shock Ryck
Prat Someone who talks too much Sladdertralla
Facade An outward appearance that is not real or sincere Fasad
Remnants The small remaining parts of something that has been destroyed or used Rester
Reassert To state or show something again with more confidence Hävda på nytt
Undoing The act of causing something to be ruined or destroyed Omgörelse
Agonised Suffering from extreme pain, physical or mental Plågad
Intrude To enter a place or situation that you are not welcome in Tränga sig in
Grovelling Behaving in a way that is too humble or submissive in order to please someone Krypa
Unclued Not having any information or explanation Oupplyst
Innocent Not guilty of any crime or wrongdoing Oskyldig
Melancholy A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with a sense of loss Melankoli
Spitefulness A desire to annoy or hurt someone Ondska
Sorrowful Feeling or expressing sadness or grief Sorglig
Uncomprehending Not understanding something Obegripande
Flared Suddenly started burning brightly Blixtrat upp
Engulf To surround and cover completely Uppsluka
Severing Cutting or breaking something completely Avskärande
Uncontrollable Impossible to control Okontrollerbar
Lunatic A very foolish or stupid person Galning
Blissfully In a state of perfect happiness Saligt
Thermonuclear Of or relating to a nuclear reaction that releases a very large amount of energy Termonukleär
Diluted Made weaker or less concentrated by adding water or another liquid Spädd
Receded Moved back or away from something Dragit sig tillbaka
Sodden Wet through and soggy Dyblöt
Conspicuous Easy to see or notice Iögonfallande
Edge The outside limit of something Kant
Boundaries The lines that mark the limits of an area of land or activity Gränser
Mingle To mix or combine with other people or things Mingla
Digest To break down food in the stomach and intestines so that the body can absorb it Smälta
Detergent A substance used for cleaning Tvättmedel
Scalding Very hot, so hot that it can burn you Skållande
Immersed Completely surrounded by a liquid Nedsänkt
Obliterate To destroy something completely Utplåna
Plasticine A modelling material made of clay and oil Plastilina
Elicit To draw out or evoke a response from someone Framkalla
Nonchalantly In a way that shows a lack of interest or concern nonchalant
Unbidden Not invited or asked for Oinbjuden
Swilled To drink a large amount of liquid in a messy way Hälla i sig
Lurch To move suddenly and clumsily S vingla
Forfeit To lose something as a punishment or because you have not done something you are supposed to do Förlora
Fortify To strengthen or protect something Stärka
Dwell To think about something for a long time Dröja sig kvar vid
Writing exercise
Time: ~30 minutes
During this exercise, you will develop your, listening, writing and discussion skills
By yourself, write a short text (~100-200 words) about what has happened in Inventing Elliot:
What did Elliot mean when he talked about wearing a mask?
What happened between Elliot and Louise?
Remember to structure your text into an introduction, body, and conslusion
Use the vocabulary homework in your answer
OPTIONAL: If you want feedback, upload your text to Unikum @IE-6 writing practice
If you want a challenge:
Include all four steps from the discussion: summarise what has happened, answer the questions above, associate what it made you think of and what do you predict will think will happen next?
Read Inventing Elliot, p. 171-183
Exit ticket
Present your group's discussion