Lesson MMS-10

Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson. 

Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience. 

Lesson goals

Understand the strenghts and weaknesses of my own as well as my classmate's speech script, improve my content and speaking skills

Lesson activities

Speech preparation

Progress chat

Peer feedback (optional)

Speech preparation

You are going to hold a ~5 min motivational speech. 

Please follow these steps:

Download the checklist template @ Unikum

Progress chat

Checkpoint - please answer the questions. The answer will be your exit ticket.

Time for the activity: ~10 minutes

Peer feedback

Time for the activity: ~5-10 minutes

The purpose of giving peer feedback is improvement. As you help your classmates, you will also grow as well.


No homework

Exit ticket

My action step is ...