Lesson MMS-5
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Lesson goals
Deepen your understanding of inversion grammar, Monoroe's motivated sequence and how to use inversions in your own spoken example
Lesson activities
Inversions and vocabulary exercises
Speech example
Group mock-speech
Inversions and vocabulary exercises
Time for the activity: ~20-30 minutes
These exercies will improve your vocabulary, formality and grammar skills
Inversions repetition
You may work by yourself or together with classmates
On your whiteboard, write four sentences using adverbs to create inversions, one per type of inversion:
a unique situation ➜ never, rarely, and seldom
a short amount of time or almost not ➜ hardly, barely, no sooner, scarcely
understanding a situation ➜ only when, only then or only as soon as
not understanding a situation ➜ little
For example: I rarely watch tv ➜ Rarely do I watch tv (note: we had to add the helping verb “do”)
Move a negative or limiting adverb (rarely) to the beginning of the sentence
Add an auxiliary (helping) verb (do)
If necessary, change the tense of the verb
Add a subject (I)
Vocabulary exercise
Connect the vocabulary with the definitions
Rephrase the sentences using the words in bold
Answer key
Hazardous (Farligt) ➜ Dangerous and capable of causing harm E
Tissue (Vävnad) ➜ Layer of cells that covers the body J
Magnitude (Storlek, omfattning) ➜ The size or importance of something O
Peril (Fara) ➜ Danger or risk G
Extensive (Omfattande) ➜ Very large or wide-ranging A
Abandon (Överge) ➜ Stop doing/using something, or to leave M
Stem (Stam, härstamma) ➜ To start or develop as the result of something R
Emit (Avge) ➜ To produce or send out something H
Minuscule (Mycket liten) ➜ Extremely small B
Indicated (Anges) ➜ Suggested or shown to be the case T
Consistent (Konsekvent) ➜ Happening or done in the same way over time F
Catalog (Katalogisera) ➜ Arranged in a systematic way S
Nausea (Illamående) ➜ A feeling of wanting to vomit C
Minimise (Minimera) ➜ Make something as small/unimportant as possible K
Habit (Vana) ➜ A regular, almost unconscious, way of behaving Q
Inconvenient (Obekväm) ➜ Not convenient or suitable L
Staggering (Förbluffande) ➜ Extremely surprising or impressive I
Prolonged (Långvarig) ➜ Continuing for a long time D
Epidemic (Epidemi) ➜ A sudden and widespread increase of a disease N
Publicize (Publicera) ➜ To make something known to the public P
The unexpected power outage proved AN INCONVENIENCE / TO BE INCONVENIENT for them.
Because of the approaching storm, the explorers HAD TO ABANDON camp.
Our ancestry STEMS FROM great apes.
Officials decided TO PROLONG working hours by an additional sixty minutes.
Speech example
Time for the activity: ~10 min
Listen to the speech and take notes on:
What attention-grabber did the speaker use?
What is the need (problem) that was addressed?
How was the need satisfied?
How was this visualised?
What was the recommended action?
Group mock-speech
Time for the activity: ~20 minutes
This exercise develops your speaking and discussion skills
Discuss with your classmates:
How often do you use your smart phone?
Do you agree or disagree with the speaker? Do smart phones pose a danger to us?
How would you feel if everyone around your spoke using their speakers?
Create a short speech as a group, where you warn your listeners and motivate them to action:
Decide on your own version of 'The Dangers of ...' What do you want to specifically address? Screen time? Sleep deprivation? Hate speech?
Follow MMS by writing at least 1 sentence per step: attention, need, satisfcation, visualisation and action
Next, include an inversion and new vocabulary in your script
Share your group practice speech with another group
If you wish, use generative AI by copying the following prompt:
Create a script for a motivational speech. The speech topic is 'The Dangers of [here, you enter your specific topic!]'. Structure the speech according to the five steps from Monroe's motivational sequence: attention, need, satisfaction, visualisation and action. Limit the script to one sentence per step. Include at inversions to improve formality.
Improve upon the text that the AI generated and make it your own.
Vocabulary quiz next lesson! Study the vocabulary
Exit ticket
Share your group's speech with another group