Lesson CI-3

Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson. 

Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience. 

Lesson goals

Test the vocabulary from the previous lesson, learn even more about compound-complex sentences, and write a short essay about global English

Lesson activities

Vocabulary quiz

Grammar lecture

Short essay

Vocabulary quiz

Compound-complex grammar lecture

C-3 ENG7

Short essay

Go to exam.net to write your text

Your task is to write a short text where you share your thoughts about global English and globalisation:

If you want a challenge: include the new vocabulary and use compound-complex sentences

You will be provided with some statements that might inspire you, either by agreeing or disagreeing with them. 

Please note that this text will not be graded. Your text will provide an example of your writing skills which Feke will use to see how he can help you grow and improve.


No homework

Exit ticket

No exit ticket