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Exercise NF-4c1: creating sentences with modals

Now, create 5 sentences using modal verbs on your whiteboard.

You may choose any of the modals, but not the same twice.

For instance:

List of modals:

Exercise NF-4c2: match modals with situations

Below is a list of modal verbs and a list of situations

Match each modal verb with the situation that it’s most commonly used to express

Answer key

Exercise NF-4c3: Modal verb role-play (this is your exit ticket!)

In groups of 2-4, create a conversation and do your best to keep it going by using modal verbs

For example - planning a trip: 

Make sure that you use modal verbs in the ask questions to keep the conversation going. Your part of the conversation is your exit ticket.

Scenario: watching a movie

A group of friends are deciding what movie to watch and give suggestions based on preferences.

Example dialogue: 

We could watch that new comedy, or we might go for an action film if you’re up for it.

I would prefer something lighter, so maybe we should stick with the comedy.

Scenario: deciding where to eat

A group of students are deciding where to go instead of eating in the school cafeteria.

Example dialogue:

I cannot eat this! I want to go grab something to eat elsewhere!

I may be up for pizza.. what do you feel like?

He loves burgers. We should get that, shouldn't we?

Scenario: hearing a rumour

A group of students are discussing a rumour and if they can believe if it is true or not.

Example dialogue:

Hey! Hey! Did you HEAR the news?

Are you kidding me? You must show me!

Ugh! Must you two always go around gossiping?