Lesson ECP-1
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Lesson goals
Learn about post-colonial theory, the effects of colonial history and practice using post-colonial terminology in both historical as well as modern examples.
Lesson activities
Warm-up exercise
Intermediate: introduction lecture
Advanced: theory lecture
Warm-up exercise
Warm-up exercise: This is fine
Time for the activity: ~5-10 minutes
On the floor is a range from this is fine to this is not fine. You are going to be given a series of statements to react to (these are not necessarily what we think).
Your task is to quickly stand on this line as a reaction to the statements. Please be prepared to motivate why you chose to stand there.
Men holding hands and showing their emotions openly.
Calling someone "bitch", “biyaatch” and “boss bitch”.
It is more acceptable for people of color to use racial stereotypes or racial slur.
Older women dating a younger partner.
Someone who is behaving like a Karen should be told that they are, in fact, a Karen.
A man who has sex with many is considered to be a legend, while a woman who has sex with many is considered loose.
If you are dressing sluttily, you are asking for it.
It is ok to read your partner’s text messages.
Intermediate: introduction lecture
Advanced: postcolonial theory exercise
Which postcolonial theory?
Time for the activity: ~10-15 minutes
Look at the examples below
Discuss them with a classmate and explain it using the postcolonial theory (found on the right)
Take notes as needed
Prepare to share your thoughts
“The ambiguous way in which colonizer and colonized regard one another.”
Colonial education
“The process by which a colonizing power assimilates ... larger population to its way of thinking and seeing the world.”
”The process by which a cultural practice is made stimulating and exciting in its difference from the colonializer’s normal perspective.”
A mix of cultural, ethnic or social aspects, such as traditions from parents’ mixed background.
“Ways in which one group excludes or marginalizes another group.”
A European western perspective is seen as the norm, in terms of world-view and culture.
“The means by which the colonized adapt the culture (language, education, clothing, etc.) of the colonizer.”
Read about post-colonialism and study the Quizlet.
Exit ticket
Today, I learned that ...