Lesson AWF-4

Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson. 

Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience. 

Lesson goals

Learn how to create participle clauses, how they can show cause and effect, reasons and event order

Lesson activities

Grammar warm-up

Grammar lecture: participle clauses

Grammar exercises

Grammar warm-up

Time for the activities: ~20-30 minutes

Answer key

Grammar lecture: participle clauses

AWL-4 Participle clauses

Grammar exercises

Rewriting sentences into participle clauses

The verb in the ING-form (present participle):

The third form of a verb (past participle):

Having + the third form of a verb (perfect participle):

A preposition + ING-form of a verb (present participle):

Answer key


Study the Quizlet.

Exit ticket

Write what you have learned, in the form of a participle clause