AWF-2 narrow

Should genetic engineering become more commonplace?

Grammar and usage



A positive 59% of Britons agree with controversial stem cell research.

On the behalf of The Guardian, 59% of Britons ____________________________ controversial stem cell research.


Stem cell research is advancing apace.

According to researchers, stem cell research _____________________________________.


Scientists will be able to unravel how the disease destroys nerves and identify drugs to stop or reverse the damage.

By _____________________________________ , scientists will be able to identify drugs to stop or reverse the damage.


There is overwhelming resistance to parents creating "designer babies". 

People  ___________________________________  parents creating "designer babies".


The first involves choosing the type of sperm that will fertilise an egg.

Fertilising an egg _____________________________________ of sperm.

Answer key


On the behalf of The Guardian, 59% of Britons are in agreement with controversial stem cell research.


According to researchers, stem cell research is advancing rapidly.


By unraveling how the disease destroys neves, scientists will be able to identify drugs to stop or reverse the damage.


People  are overwhelmingly opposed to parents creating "designer babies".


Fertilising an egg intially involves choosing the typ of sperm.

Completing the sentences in future tense

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Subject-verb agreement

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Exit ticket: think - pair - share using sources 

In the article, it is mentioned that “Only 13% of respondents to the ICM survey said they were in support of the parent's right to use genetic engineering to design their unborn child, with 63% opposing the process” (The Guardian, 2011), statistics that gladden me.

In fact, choosing your child’s traits is on the brink of racism, something we should all condone, taking lessons from history. We do not need the corrupting option to discriminate against each other based on our parents’ choice of our eye colour. Let’s face it, what would be next? (60 words)